Lavender Flowers Whole Buds 2 oz
Lavender Flowers Whole Buds 2 oz
Lavender Flowers Whole Buds often used for spells of love and healing as well as to seek inner peace, or work spells of prosperity and protection. 2oz
Lavender flowers come from the plant family Lamiaceae which has a variety of uses. They are very aromatic, and they maintain full aroma when in dry form. In terms of texture, they are dry but not crunchy. The flower buds are extremely light, so a small quantity will go a long way. The small buds originate from the flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn and have a rich purple color.
In terms of aromatherapy, the lavender scent is commonly used for relaxation and peace of mind. The buds are a great substitution to those who don’t like working directly with the oils.
The dried botanicals are great for making sachets that can be placed around the house and in drawers