Our Lady Of Charity Virgen De La Caridad Spiritual Cologne Colonia For Fertility, Peace At Home & Family Bonding (7oz)
Our Lady Of Charity Virgen De La Caridad Spiritual Cologne Colonia For Fertility, Peace At Home & Family Bonding (7oz)
Our Lady Of Charity
The traditional story of this Virgin says that around the year 1620 two Indians and a Black Slave went to the Bay of Nipe near the mining province of Cobre to look for salt. As they were rowing in their canoe, they noticed a strange object among the waves. As they approached , they saw that what had attracted their attention was an image of the Virgin Mary that was floating on a piece of wood. The image was approximately 15 inches long, carved in wood. In one arm the Virgin held the Infant Jesus and on the other a cross of gold.
The legend at her feet read: Yo Soy La Virgen de La Caridad (I am the Virgin of Charity). The three men picked up the image and brought it to Santiago where a small chapel was built in her honor. In 1916 she was declared patron of Cuba. The many miracles of La Caridad are celebrated each year on her feast day of September 8th.
Our Lady Of Charity Prayer: “Oh, Caridad Del Cobre, unique spirit, without beginning or end, ever present, ever powerful. I am but a drop in your ocean of life. Let me feel the presence of your power. Let me know more clearly what you are and what I mean to you. Make the consciousness of your spiritual reality penetrate my whole being and occupy all the parts of my soul. May your spiritual power which is in my soul penetrate my body. Infuse me with health, vigor, and vitality, so, that I can become a better temple of the Holy Spirit. Give this body the peace, strength, and life that belong to you by virtue of your being. This I ask of you, oh never present spirit, because I am your child and because of your promise of eternal knowledge. AMEN.”
Aromatic cologne of herbal and floral scents, have acquired special symbolical or occult significance and have thus earned a place in spiritual practices and spell-craft, according to the nature of the floral and herbal essences that comprise their aroma.
Many people believe that aromas of cologne will put an end to adverse conditions and open the way for luck, love, money, and happiness to enter their lives. The scent will help help you stay well and feel more alive, more clear-headed, and more emotionally stable and balanced. The healing powers of herbs, plants and roots to facilitate healing of mind, body and spirit.
Instructions: Dab some on your wrists behind the ear even by the ankle or collar bone. Use the moment to connect to your inner source of personal power. Repeat daily or as needed until the bottle is finished. Other uses included dabbing some on objects such as a mojo bag, lottery ticket, photo, or statue. These colognes can be used for many spiritual purposes.
7oz bottle